Please follow the appropriate Services link that you believe best meets your need, or alternatively feel free to get in touch with me at for business legal support. Provide me with an outline of what you are seeking to achieve, and how you would like to have your matter concluded. I may also be available on 01242 323 548, but please bear in mind that if I am unable to take your call directly it is because I am working with another client.
Intellectual Property
Essentially intellectual property are among your organisation’s most valuable assets. These can include brands and trade marks, designs and copyright, inventions, know-how and innovative ideas, software, databases, and even customer data.
Business Contracts
Contracts have evolved over time to accommodate a variety of deals, businesses, ideas, sectors, and peculiar requirements. There are also contracts that specifically deal with intellectual property.
NFTs Blockchain Crypto
Not all projects are the same. You will need to consider a variety of business, legal, and tax issues, and to do so ideally prior to incorporation. Do not assume each sovereign state has interpreted this new area consistently. DYOR – we can help!

Jason Lysandrides
Rest assured that your enquiry will be treated as highly confidential. For an initial no obligation/no charge enquiry please feel free to set out what you are seeking to achieve and how you would like your matter to be concluded. I am available at Alternatively, call me on 01242 323 548, but please bear in mind that if I am unable to take your call directly it is because I am working with another client.
“competent, articulate, thorough, plain talking and very approachable.”
“ ‘razor sharp’ and has ‘a wealth of knowledge’.”
"...extensive experience in copyright and trade marks law.”
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By way of assistance these pages provide further background information for you. If you have a question please do email me at: